Muteb Alakeel

Your Guide To The Best Saudi Phrases, Ever

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is home to many dialects, all of which include incredible phrases that manage to deliver a message like no other. In this article, we’ll review some of the strangest and greatest Saudi phrases, ever. For more “all about Saudi” content, check out the rest of our platform!

Hilarious insults:

Za3eet: A clueless person who thinks they know everything.

Mazleb: A person who doesn’t have a care in the world, or anything going for them.

Al-maflat: An irresponsible person who cannot be trusted.

Almsalis: A chaotic person who brings negative turmoil.

Habeebak-Ja: Contrary to what it sounds like, this phrase is uttered when someone you dislike is approaching or coming over.

Shdeedeh: An ugly person.

Some positive words and phrases used in Saudi:

Perhaps the most famous Saudi phrase of joy is “Hala bil khamees,” after singer Maan Bargouth trended it with a song welcoming the weekend.

Khanfashqash 3aleihum: let’s enjoy our time with them.

Arqud marqad raqad 3athmak: sweet dreams!

Rahij: A bubbly and funny person.

Dafour: A student who excels at school.

As for the strangest Saudi words and phrases? Here’s what we’ve got:

Rajel. Despite just being the word for “man,” this word can have multiple meanings depending on how it is used and the tone that is employed.

Ya rajel: Seriously?

Ya rjaal: Leave it up to fate!

Ya raajel: “I don’t buy it”